The layout and interface choice of a website is a vital ingredient in creating that first positive impression to the visitor and ensuring that they get a trouble-free experience navigating the website.
But there are so many websites that make some fatal errors that users dislike. Some of these problems appear as web designers start designing and it is important to be informed of these problems so that they can be prevented in future.
Described below are some major areas that naive or reckless designers tend to fail. By listening to these potential issues, websites will be better designed by web design company Myrtle Beach, being friendlier to user and search engine alike.
Lack Of Identity Or Vision Or Concept
A lot of sites do not do a good job of obviously stating what they are why you should pay attention to them. Not having a uniquely identifiable purpose or value statement immediately presented nets site users a confused sense of a site’s aims or roles in their daily lives.
To avoid this, the designers must first agree on what the website is selling or the primary theme or goodwill it communicates. This pure mission should be visible right from the content and layout.
For example, if the site is an ecommerce site, then products and services to be sold should be well displayed. Every blog Should incorporate methods through which posts can be sorted based on categories on the homepage of the blog.
Bad Navigation And Poor Integration
Every visitor should be able to quickly and easily locate any given object on a website. This is why simple navigation bars full of anonymous links can really throw a wrench in the works.
To prevent two common errors, Information Architecture (IA) specialists suggest one, categorizing the site content well. Subdivide in a clear way and label the areas of the content or topics in the header and footer navigation menus.
Make certain the organization and priority of the layout points at crucial web pages first. It is also recommended to see that all types of users such as new visitors, returning visitors, informed specialists, and others can find the necessary articles easily.
Poor Section Breakdown
A clear picture priority instantly leads the viewer through the focused area of a page using layout, color and contrast, whitespace, type, and image. In many cases, there is no deliberate process of establishing a clear layout; as a result, all the components compete for visibility.
This overwhelms users. To avoid weak hierarchy, use primary content and call to action messages in large and bold font size and position them more on the top and the area of interest.
This means that there should be a possibility of someone to say what the given piece is about or to recognize its primary goal after spending five seconds, not to get confused by the extra, unimportant information.
Poor Readability
When the text is small, closely printed, dim, or appearing in low contrast with the background colors, people are not going to take the time to read the material. Most sites juggle between, the font and layout so that they meet the aesthetic goals of the site.
Subdivide large chunks of texts with subtopics and concisely use bullet points with the help of web design agency Oklahoma City. Ensure you keep a large margin between the different elements so they don’t fuse together.
Matters that can barely be understood will significantly reduce the user experience and the level of understanding. Making your content readable is important to guarantee that your high-quality content is read and understood.
A great website design they say should not incorporate many things including; purposeless design, confused navigation, lack of visual hierarchy, bad readability, and non- responsive design.
To avoid these problems, professional web designers give much attention to find out their target clients, categorize them in a best possible way, control the vision of the viewer toward different sections of a site, making text easy to read, and allowing easy conversion for mobile version.
Designers should keep these key trouble areas in mind during the planning and creation of their sites in order to achieve higher user satisfaction and long-term conversions rates.